We’ve already discussed BLaST Creative Web Hosting, so now lets talk about BLaST Creative SEO Services. Let’s talk about an important factor of search engine optimization, submitting your site to Google.
If you are hoping that people will notice your site, then it will be necessary for you to submit your site to Google so that it can be indexed properly.
Google uses what is called a spider to crawl your site so that it can index it properly. But if the spider doesn’t know that your site is there, it can index it. So you need to tell Google about your site.
How to Submit Your Site to Google
• So go to Google’s Home Page and click on “About Google”
• On the next page you will need to click on “Submit your content to Google”
• Another page will pop up and you will need to click on “Add your URL to Google’s Index”
• The last thing that you need to do is to type in the URL of your home page. It normally takes Google about 2 weeks to add your site, but can take up to 2 months.
For more information on web hosting and seo services, contact BLaST Creative today!