If you are searching for web hosting and aren’t sure what’s what, then keep on reading and let me explain a few of the ins and outs to you.
Web hosting resellers:
Let’s start with what is commonly known as reseller hosting. Here the account owner may divide up their selected hard drive space and bandwidth and resell web hosting.
Usually, resellers are web consultants who are also web developers and designers and a web or a system-integration company. Web hosting for them is an extra service along with other host of services.
Web hosting providers often gives a discount of 50 percent or more to the resellers on the price of a reseller hosting account.
Web hosting resellers are normally not in charge of maintaining web server services or other maintenance related responsibilities but just a "web hosting provider." In cases of any technical problems, such as server down and access problem, the responsibility falls on the owner of the dedicated server in which the reseller host is hosted.
A web hosting reseller will set up its web hosting company on the Internet and start selling web hosting plans under its own brand name.
Ecommerce Web Hosting:
With the rising growth of the Internet, businesses are learning new ways to widen their horizons into new markets creating new opportunities and new challenges. Internet brings a multitude of opportunities for businesses to succeed. However, setting up a web site is not as simple as it seems. It is imperative that the sites are focused and functional, easy to use and deliver quality information.
The Internet is powerful and ubiquitous enough to allow the smallest of businesses to access markets and develop a presence that allows them to compete against the giants in the industry.
Exactly how does a small business compete? Most small and mid-size online businesses are not capable of hosting their own sites in-house. The cost of running an in-house development department and data center is too expensive. That is why these small companies look to companies specializing in Web hosting. There are many eCommerce web hosting companies who offer their clients customized and quality services enabling even the smallest e-business to gain an online web presence quickly and inexpensively.
These professional web hosting providers allow many customers to take advantage of the economies that they develop through the operation of large data centers. Cost savings are passed along on everything from hardware, software licenses, bandwidth, back up systems, and environmental control systems. However, as an online business, you must take into all factors before deciding on who your hosting partner will be.